Now showing items 81-90 of 14305
Ethnic and gender differences in self-reported achievement and achievement-related attitudes in secondary school students in Trinidad
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2006)
This study examined self-reported achievement, achievement-related behaviours, and achievement-related attitudes of 1,434 students attending secondary schools in Trinidad. Females reported higher achievement than males, ...
Ethnic and migration components of social practices: opportunities to regain trust
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Ethnic differences in adverse iron status in early pregnancy: a cross-sectional population-based study
(Cambridge University Press, 2022)
We studied ethnic differences in terms of iron status during pregnancy between Dutch women and other ethnicities and explore to what extent these differences can be explained by environmental factors. This cross-sectional ...
Parental transmission of ethnic identification in mixed couples in Latin America: the Mapuche case
This study analyses the ethnic identification of children of mixed couples among the Mapuche ethnic group in Chile using census data. The Mapuche are characterized by high exogamy, providing an extreme case of the Latin ...
Being Mapuche today in Chile: Judgement criteria for ethnic identification among in the new generation
This study seeks to identify the underlying factors that sustain ethnic identification judgements – in this case regarding the Mapuche ethnic group – elaborated by a sample of Chilean young people who live in the Santiago ...
Ethnic revival: actitudes, políticas y usos lingüísticos de los alemanes del Volga en la ArgentinaEthnic revival: linguistic attitudes, policies and uses of the Volga Germans in Argentina
(Universidad de Alcalá, 2015-12)
Presentamos en este artículo datos sobre la existencia actual de un ethnic revival entre los descendientes de inmigrantes alemanes del Volga en la Argentina, entre quienes la conservación de la lengua de origen, que fue ...