Now showing items 31-40 of 2733
Holographic cosmology from “dimensional reduction” of N = 4 SYM vs. AdS5 × S 5
We propose a way to obtain holographic cosmology models for 3+1 dimensional cosmologies vs. 3 dimensional field theories from a “dimensional reduction” procedure, obtained by integrating over the time direction, of (modifed) ...
Unsupervised Feature Selection Methodology for Clustering in High Dimensionality Datasets
(Instituto de Informática - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2020)
A multivariate geostatistical approach for landscape classification from remotely sensed image data
This paper proposes a methodology to address the classification of images that have been acquired from remote sensors. One common problem in classification is the high dimensionality of multivariate characteristics. The ...
Gdpc: An R package for generalized dynamic principal components
(Journal Statistical Software, 2020-02-23)
Gdpc is an R package for the computation of the generalized dynamic principal components proposed in Peña and Yohai (2016). In this paper, we briefly introduce the problem of dynamical principal components, propose a ...
A wrapper approach for feature selection based on Bat Algorithm and Optimum-Path Forest
Besides optimizing classifier predictive performance and addressing the curse of the dimensionality problem, feature selection techniques support a classification model as simple as possible. In this paper, we present a ...
A wrapper approach for feature selection based on Bat Algorithm and Optimum-Path Forest
Besides optimizing classifier predictive performance and addressing the curse of the dimensionality problem, feature selection techniques support a classification model as simple as possible. In this paper, we present a ...
Multi-class pairwise linear dimensionality reduction using heteroscedastic schemes
One- and two-dimensional reductions of the mean-field description of degenerate Fermi gases
One- and two-dimensional reductions of the mean-field description of degenerate Fermi gases