Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 42
U-Pb dating by zircon dissolution method using chemical abrasion
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2012)
Chemical abrasion was carried out on zircons grains of the Temora II standard for U-Pb dating prior to analyses using in situ Laser Ablation-MultiCollector Ion Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA-ICPMS) followed by the ...
Zircon inheritance from long-lived sources of Late Triassic post-orogenic plutons, High Andes, Central Chile (similar to 30 degrees S): Magmatic feedbacks and petrogenetic implications
(Elsevier, 2020)
A comprehensive understanding of the magmatic system evolution and petrogenetic environment is crucial for the correct interpretation of magmatic zircon age spectra. In the Central Andes, a protracted Late Paleozoic period ...
Dating coeval mafic magmatism and ultrahigh temperature metamorphism in the Anapolis-Itaucu Complex, Central Brazil
Dating granulites has always been of great interest because they represent one of the most extreme settings of an orogen. Owing to the resilience of zircon, even in such severe environments, the link between P-T conditions ...
U-Pb dating by zircon dissolution method using chemical abrasion
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2012)
Chemical abrasion was carried out on zircons grains of the Temora II standard for U-Pb dating prior to analyses using in situ Laser Ablation-MultiCollector Ion Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA-ICPMS) followed by the ...
U-Pb-Hf-trace element systematics and geochronology of zircon from a granulite-facies metamorphosed mafic-ultramafic layered complex in Central Brazil
Zircon recrystallization is a common process during high-grade metamorphism and promotes partial or complete resetting of the original isotopic and chemical characteristics of the mineral and thus complicates U-Pb ...
Decoupled U-Pb date and chemical zonation of monazite in migmatites: The case for disturbance of isotopic systematics by coupled dissolution-reprecipitation
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-01-15)
Monazite is an abundant accessory mineral in metasedimentary rocks and their anatectic products. Trace element analysis combined with U-Pb dating of monazite is widely used to reconstruct P-T-t histories of high-grade ...
How melt segregation affects granite chemistry: Migmatites from the Sierra de Quilmes, NW Argentina
(Oxford University Press, 2017-12)
Compositional variability of crustal-derived granites has been attributed to a multitude of processes. Although there has been much discussion on the entrainment of residuum and its effect on granite magma chemistry, the ...
Quartz And Zircon as markers of the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Antônio Vicente Granite, Velho Guilherme Intrusive Suite, Carajás ProvinceQuartzo e zircão como marcadores da evolução magmático-hidrotermal do Granito Antônio Vicente, Suíte Intrusiva Velho Guilherme, Província Carajás
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2013)
Petrographic And Geochemical Characterization Of The Granitic Rocks Of The Araguainha Impact Crater, Brazil