Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 338
Brazilian wetlands: their definition, delineation, and classification for research, sustainable management, and protection
(Chichester, 2013-08-15)
Although 20% of Brazilian territory is covered by wetlands, wetland inventories are still incomplete. In 1993, Brazil signed the Ramsar Convention but a coherent national policy for the sustainable management and protection ...
Evaluation of SAR C-band interferometric coherence time-series for coastal wetland hydropattern mapping
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-03)
South America is the continent of wetlands, which represents more than 20% of its surface. Since the ecological integrity of wetlands strongly depends on their water sources and dynamics, it is fundamental to understand ...
Vereda and Murundu wetlands and changes in Brazilian environmental laws: challenges to conservation
(Springer, 2015-04-01)
Vereda and Murundu wetlands are widespread in the Cerrado (Brazilian savannah). The wetlands occupy topographic depressions on the flat plateau, which are permanently or seasonally waterlogged, with topsoil that has high ...
Costa Rican wetlands vulnerability index
Costa Rica comprises approximately 6% of the world’s biodiversity. Among these lush ecosystems, wetlands are represented in mangrove forests near the sea, along river lowlands, sedimentary and volcanic mountains, and ...
Dynamic emergy valuation of water hyacinth biomass in wetlands: an ecological approach
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2013)
Wetland loss due to land use change in the Lower Paraná River Delta, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2016-10)
Wetland loss is a global concern because wetlands are highly diverse ecosystems that provide important goods and services, thus threatening both biodiversity and human well-being. The Paraná River Delta is one of the largest ...
Tipologia de áreas úmidas urbanas em parques municipais de Belo Horizonte/MG
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilIGC - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOGRAFIAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em GeografiaUFMG, 2020-03-03)
Wetlands such as swamps, bogs, mangroves, marshes and diffuse springs are complex environmental systems periodically or permanently flooded. These systems provide many ecosystem services, for example peak flood reduction, ...
Coastal Wetlands: A Synthesis
(Elsevier, 2018)
What are coastal wetland ecosystems, what are their limits of distribution, and where dothey exist in the overall coastal landscape? There are several general definitions for wetlands,but the Ramsar definition is likely ...