Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 68
Land use change impacts on the hydrology of wet Andean páramo ecosystems
(International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 2009)
This paper presents the research performed in the wet Andean páramo ecosystem in order to study the land use change impacts on its hydrology, using small paired catchments. The research results revealed that pine plantations ...
Combined use of isotopic and hydrometric data to conceptualize ecohydrological processes in a high-elevation tropical ecosystem
Few high-elevation tropical catchments worldwide are gauged, and even fewer are studied using combined hydrometric and isotopic data. Consequently, we lack information needed to understand processes governing rainfall–runoff ...
Combined use of isotopic and hydrometric data to conceptualize ecohydrological processes in a high-elevation tropical ecosystem
Analysis of the drought recovery of Andosols on southern Ecuadorian Andean páramos
Analysis of the drought recovery of Andosols on southern Ecuadorian Andean páramos
(COPERNICUS GMBH, 2016-06-22)
The Neotropical Andean grasslands above 3500ma.s.l., known as páramo, offer remarkable ecological services for the Andean region. The most important of these is the water supply of excellent quality to many cities and ...
Runoff from tropical alpine grasslands increases with areal extent of wetlands
(ELSEVIER, 2015-02-01)
Tropical alpine grasslands of the northern Andes, commonly known as the páramo, provide abundant high-quality water for downstream populations as well as a variety of other environmental services. Yet, very little is known ...
Unravelling evapotranspiration controls and components in tropical Andean tussock grasslands
The study of the environmental factors that control evapotranspiration and the components of evapotranspiration leads to a better understanding of the actual evapotranspiration (ET) process that links the functioning of ...
Interacciones de la humedad del suelo durante eventos de lluvia en una ladera de Páramo andino
Soil and vegetation cover play a critical role in Andean Páramo water supply system, providing runoff primarily by shallow subsurface flow. Understanding the dynamics of soil moisture response to meteorological conditions ...