Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Histologic Study of Acute Vocal Fold Wound Healing After Corticosteroid Injection in a Rabbit Model
Objectives: Injectable corticosteroids have been used in phonosurgery to prevent scarring of the vocal fold because of their effects of wound healing, and to ensure better voice quality. We histologically evaluated the ...
Histologic comparison of vocal fold microflap healing with sutures and glue
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2013)
Histologic Study of Perifascial Areolar Tissue Implanted in Rabbit Vocal Folds: An Experimental Study
Objectives: Perifascial areolar tissue (PAT) consists of loose areolar tissue with viscoelastic properties that are similar to those found in tissues in the superficial layer of the vocal fold. The aim of this study was ...
Vocal fold myofibroblast profile of scarring
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016-03-01)
Objectives/HypothesisVocal fold fibroblasts (VFF) are responsible for extracellular matrix synthesis supporting lamina propria in normal and diseased conditions. When tissue is injured, VFF become activated and differentiate ...
Injeção de corticosteróide em patologias vocais inflamatórias crônicas, revisão da literatura
(ABORL-CCF Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial, 2008)
Os corticosteróides são potentes inibidores da inflamação e da cicatrização. Administração local de esteróides diretamente na laringe tem sido relatada em diversas patologias laríngeas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo é ...
Effects of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Injection and Reinjection on Healing in the Rabbit Vocal Fold
Objectives/Hypothesis. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a multifunctional polypeptide that plays various roles in embryogenesis and tissue regeneration and exhibits marked antifibrotic activity. The present study sought ...
Inyección intracordal de células madres mesenquimáticas en el manejo de la fibrosis cordal: Experiencia preliminar
Introducción: Las células madres son células no especializadas capaces de transformarse en células con funciones específicas actuando como sistema de reparación. Las células madres mesenquimáticas (CMM) son las más utilizadas ...