Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 695
Inside the prison: Evidence of institutional violence in a female prison on the border between Brazil and BoliviaPor dentro do cárcere: Evidências de violência institucional em um presídio feminino na fronteira entre Brasil e Bolívia
aims to understand the reality of a female prison on the border region between Brazil and Bolivia, revealing signs of institutional violence in that prison. We understood that institutional violence refers to the set of ...
Inmate-on-inmate prison violence in Chile: the importance of the institutional context and proper supervision
(SAGE, 2020)
In this article, using a quantitative approach, we analyze interpersonal, inmate-on-inmate physical violence in Chilean prisons, using administrative records on collective violence, provided by the Prison Service for the ...
Exposure to physical and sexual violence prior to imprisonment predicts mental health and substance use treatments in prison populations
(Elsevier, 2016)
The present study aimed to establish rates of exposure to physical or sexual violence (PSV) prior to imprisonment for prisoners in Spain and to explore whether people exposed to PSV access mental health treatment during ...
Obstacles to the mobilization of rights in cases of prisoner defense in Chile
(Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual Penal, 2020-10)
A decade ago, the Chilean Public Defense started a program of prison litigation. This article investigates institutional factors that may have an impact on the mobilization of the rights of persons deprived of their liberty. ...
Vozes aprisionadas: mulheres e sistema prisional nos romances-reportagens de Nana Queiroz e Drauzio Varella
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilLetrasUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em LetrasCentro de Artes e Letras, 2022-03-15)
The two works chosen as corpus of this thesis deal with the experience of its authors within the prison space: Prisoners approach the experience of volunteering of Drauzio Varella in a women's prison, while Prisoners who ...
Visiones de la prisión. Violencia, incomunicación y trabajo en el régimen penitenciario federal argentino
La tesis de culminación de maestría "Visiones de la Prisión. Violencia, incomunicación y trabajo en el régimen penitenciario federal argentino" se ha propuesto describir el régimen penitenciario actual en las prisiones ...
Dias de visita: uma sociologia da punição e das prisões em Itirapina
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - PPGS, 2011-05-03)
The aim of the present work is to understand the transformations in São Paulo State prisons policies in the last three decades, from a case study on the city of Itirapina, located in the central region of the state. There ...
As prisões de São Paulo: dinâmicas, fluxos e as implicações nas trajetórias de egressos prisionais. Uma perspectiva a partir do monitor preso de educação
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - PPGS, 2012-11-20)
The striking phenomenon of growing urban violence and the expansion of the prison while a privileged mode of punishment in contemporary societies have increasingly attracted the attention of researchers for the description ...