Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 57
Identification of Verbal and Mathematical Talent: The Relevance of 'Out of Level' Measurement
This study has two main objectives. First one to carry out a conceptual review of the literature together with the work done in Spain by the authors about the identification model known in the international literature as ...
Conception of the stimulation of the verbal talent in the cuban primary schoolConcepción de la estimulación del talento verbal en la escuela primaria cubana
(Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2013)
¿Cómo podría los profesionales de enfermería desde la perspectiva inter y transdiciplinaria, intervenir con las familias en el escenario del conflicto armado actual del país?
(Universidad de los Llanos, 2020-06-30)
La perspectiva generativa en el campo de la familia se observa como una construcción del dialogo con los participantes, donde se activan diferentes redes y sistemas, logrando una conexión de coevolución y autorreferencia ...
Mathematical Thinking Styles of Students with Academic TalentEstilos de Pensamiento Matemático de Estudiantes con Talento AcadémicoStyles de pensée mathématique des étudiants ayant un talent académiqueEstilos pensamento matemático dos alunos com talento académico
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)
What Must We Know and Know How to Do for Implementation During the PENTA UC School Program? A View from the Teachers
This study explored what should be known, by a teacher of talented children, when implementing the PENTA UC School program. This study included a sample of 18 educators directly involved in the implementation process of ...
La comunicación del talento humano en la productividad empresarialThe communication of human talent in business productivity
(Innova Research Journal, 2019)
Habilidades sociais e bem-estar subjetivo de crianças dotadas e talentosas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia - PPGPsi, 2012-03-01)
In considering the national publications about gifted and talented children, it was noticed that there is a lack on scientific knowledge and empirical research about the socio-emotional characteristics of these children, ...
La comunicación del talento humano en la productividad empresarial
(Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, extensión Guayaquil, 2018)