Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11
Beat-to-beat ventricular repolarization variability evaluated during acute myocardial ischemia
(Elsevier, 2013-08)
Experimental and clinical studies have shown that beat-to-beat variability of ventricular repolarization morphology, which can be measured by T-wave spectral variance (TSV) index based on the 2D-FFT, is associated with an ...
Role of Dipolar and Nondipolar Components of the T Wave in Determining the T Wave Residuum in an Isolated Rabbit Heart Model
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2004-03)
Introduction: Repolarization heterogeneity has been shown to constitute a substrate for malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Noninvasive measurement of abnormal repolarization through assessment of QT interval dispersion ...
Beat-to-beat electrocardiographic analysis of ventricular repolarization variability in patients after myocardial infarction
(Churchill Livingstone Inc Medical Publishers, 2016-03)
Several studies have shown that the beat-to-beat variability of ventricular repolarization, which can be computed by T-wave spectral variance (TSV) index, constitutes a marker of cardiac risk. Moreover, the fact that ...
Quantification of ventricular repolarization dispersion using digital processing of the surface ECG
(IntechOpen, 2011)
Digital processing of electrocardiographic records was one of the first applications of signal processing on medicine. There are many ways to analyze and study electrical cardiac activity using the surface electrocardiogram ...
Quantification of Cardiac Ventricular Repolarization and its Spatial Dispersion through the Surface ElectrocardiogramCuantificación de la dispersión espacial de la repolarización ventricular cardíaca a través del electrocardiograma de superficie
(Sociedad Argentina de Cardiologia, 2009-01)
La dispersión de la repolarización ventricular (DRV) está determinada esencialmente por la heterogeneidad de los potenciales de acción en diferentes regiones del miocardio. Con frecuencia el corazón responde a ciertos ...
Exercise-QTc is associated with diffuse interstitial fibrosis reflected by lower approximated T1 relaxation time in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients
(Elsevier, 2017)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is frequently associated with exercise-related sudden death. One possible contributor to arrhythmias is pathologic hypertrophy, which can lead to QTc prolongation. Since beta-adrenergic ...
Dynamic features of cardiac vector as alternative markers of drug-induced spatial dispersion
(Elsevier, 2020-07)
Introduction The abnormal amplification of ventricular repolarization dispersion (VRD) has long been linked to proarrhythmia risk. Recently, the measure of VRD through electrocardiogram intervals has been strongly questioned. ...
Procesamiento de la actividad eléctrica cardíaca basado en modelos biológicos y matemáticos: Detección y cuantificación de riesgo cardíaco
Los cambios globales que se han dado a fines del siglo XX, han transformado los hábitos de vida de las sociedades. La mala alimentación basada en lípidos, la continua exposición al estrés, las extensas jornadas laborales, ...
Control hormonal de las corrientes de la fase 1 del potencial de acción cardiaco en el síndrome de BrugadaHormonal Control of Cardiac Action Potential Phase 1 Currents in the Brugada Syndrome
(Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología, 2014-07)
Introducción:El síndrome de Brugada es una canalopatía hereditaria con un patrón de transmisión autosómico dominante que presenta un marcado sesgo de género en la expresión del fenotipo, con una proporción hombre:mujer de ...