Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 284
First record of flamentous fungi in the coastal upwelling ecosystem off central Chile
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas., 2010)
Overview and challenges of Marine Biodiversity Research in Peru
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas., 2003)
Projection of upwelling-favorable winds in the Peruvian upwelling system under the RCP8.5 scenario using a high-resolution regional model
(Springer, 2021)
The Peruvian upwelling system (PUS) is the most productive Eastern Boundary Upwelling System (EBUS) of the world ocean. Contrarily to higher latitude EBUSs, there is no consensus yet on the response of upwelling-favorable ...
Trophic interactions in northern Chile upwelling ecosystem, year 1997Trophic interactions in the upwelling system of northern Chile, year 1997
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2017)
Trophic interactions in northern Chile upwelling ecosystem, year 1997
A food web model is constructed to describe predator-prey interactions, community structure and trophic flows in northern Chile upwelling ecosystem (18°20'S, 24°S), for the year 1997. The model is built using the Ecopath ...
Climate Change Impacts on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
(Annual Reviews, 2023-01)
The world's eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs) contribute disproportionately to global ocean productivity and provide critical ecosystem services to human society. The impact of climate change on EBUSs and the ...