Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 142396
Hard turning in continuous and interrupted cut with PCBN and whisker-reinforced cutting tools
(Elsevier Science SaLausanneSuíça, 2009)
Comparative study on turning CI and CGI using silicon nitride cutting tools
There has been a great interest for improving the machining of cast iron materials in the automotive and other industries. Comparative studies for tool used to machine grey cast iron (CI) and compacted graphite iron (CGI) ...
Comparative study on turning CI and CGI using silicon nitride cutting tools
There has been a great interest for improving the machining of cast iron materials in the automotive and other industries. Comparative studies for tool used to machine grey cast iron (CI) and compacted graphite iron (CGI) ...
Evaluating the effect of coolant pressure and flow rate on tool wear and tool life in the steel turning operation
(Springer London LtdLondonInglaterra, 2010)
The Enhanced Tool-Kit of Two Groups of Wild Bearded Capuchin Monkeys in the Caatinga: Tool Making, Associative Use, and Secondary Tools
(WILEY-LISS, 2009)
The use of stones to crack open encapsulated fruit is widespread among wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) inhabiting savanna-like environments. Some populations in Serra da Capivara National Park (Piaui, ...
Effect of different methods of cutting fluid application on turning of a difficult-to-machine steel (SAE EV-8)
In this study, different methods of cutting fluid application are used in turning of a difficult-to-machine steel (SAE EV-8). Initially, a semisynthetic cutting fluid was applied using a conventional method (i.e. overhead ...
Effect of different methods of cutting fluid application on turning of a difficult-to-machine steel (SAE EV-8)
In this study, different methods of cutting fluid application are used in turning of a difficult-to-machine steel (SAE EV-8). Initially, a semisynthetic cutting fluid was applied using a conventional method (i.e. overhead ...
Techno-Morphological and Use-Wear Analysis on Lithic and Bone Tools from Campo Laborde Site (Pampean Region, Argentina)
(Center for the Study of the First Americans, 2011-12)
Investigations carried out at Campo Laborde site provide new evidence for technological strategies associated with hunting and butchering a giant ground sloth (Megatherium americanum) during the early Holocene (Messineo ...