Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 196560
Instalación de JDK de Java en Ambiente Linux- Ubuntu
This content illustrates the installation of Java Development Kit (JDK) in Linux-Ubuntu environment. It is important for students of Computer Systems, with specific skills for managing open development platforms, in addition ...
Red Digital de Servicios Integrados
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a technology that allows transmission of data, images, voice, video and text in digital form.
Aprendizaje No Supervisado (Aprendizaje Asociativo)
It gives an introduction to associative learning using Hebb's postulate of learning networks belonging to unsupervised.
Es la parte tangible o física que incluye los componentes internos de la computadora y los equipos periféricos o externos.
The data are the base of computer. In
this paper we study concepts,
structure and data handling. The
representation of text, images,
audio and video as bit patterns and
the representation of numbers.
Un algoritmo es una serie finita de pasos o instrucciones que deben seguirse para resolver un problema
Es un método para resolver un problema
Desarrollo sustentable
This paper analyzes the concept and
characteristics of sustainable
development as well as the different
dimensions and actors involved in the
Software libre - Linux Ubuntu
Interpolación de forma