Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1089
Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel : Final Report
(UNESCO, ILO, 2013)
This report summarizes the analysis of major issues affecting the status of teaching
personnel worldwide at all levels of education by the Joint ILO–UNESCO Committee of
Experts on the Application of the Recommendations ...
Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel : Final Report
(UNESCO, ILO, 2013)
This report summarizes the analysis of major issues affecting the status of teaching
personnel worldwide at all levels of education by the Joint ILO–UNESCO Committee of
Experts on the Application of the Recommendations ...
Issues and points of view on the teaching of demography
(CELADE, 2014)
Curso de capacitación docente para procesos de acreditación de carreras de posgrado
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2020-11-19)
El presente trabajo se propone abordar la implementación de la modalidad blended-learning en un curso de capacitación para docentes de carreras de posgrado, adecuado a los estándares exigidos por organismos de evaluación ...
Classroom discipline, classroom environment and student performance in Chile
This paper assesses the extent to which teachers' actions in the classroom influence the school environment. The assessment is based on a statistical analysis of videotaped classroom observations of 51,329 teachers. The ...