Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8366
Imaginários, saberes e fazeres no ensino superior: processos formativos do formador de professores
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilEducaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em EducaçãoCentro de Educação, 2017-09-05)
This thesis is part of the Training, Knowledge and Professional Development Teacher Line of the Post-Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria, RS. This research started from the research problem ...
HistÓrias e identidade de professores bacharÉis que atuam em cursos de formaÇÃo de professores: As relações curriculares entre a “Licenciatura” e o “Bacharelado” nas trajetórias formativas
The article discusses the training of bachelor's teachers who work in teacher's training undergraduate courses of a public institution. The purpose of the text is to ponder and list the characteristics that contextualize ...
An exploration of the degree of congruence, of the perspectives held by teachers and their adolescent students, regarding their roles and relationships
This study provides a narrative of the perspectives and beliefs of a group of teachers and adolescent students regarding their roles and relationships, with specific reference to the classroom. Data were collected through ...
Teacher leadership: Are Jamaican schools ready to embrace the concept? [PowerPoint presentation]
The concept of teacher leadership is not entirely new, having its early roots in John Dewey's philosophy of democratic and progressive education. In this approach, the classroom teacher is regarded as a critical contributor ...
Strategies of Number Sense in Pre-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers
(Springer, 2016)
This paper presents some results of an investigation on the number sense of a group of pre-service secondary teachers from Spain. The objective of this research was to analyze students' use of strategies associated to ...
A model for 360 degree teacher evaluation in the context of the CSME
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
With free movement of Caribbean professionals across the region, individual Ministries of Education and regional institutions must be able to monitor their performances in the field. The primary intention of the proposed ...
Evaluation of the students and teachers on Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching- learning process: a view from the degree programme in Sociology of the Catholic University of Temuco. A case study