Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5108
Symbolic megaprojects: historical evidence of a forgotten dimension
By combining an historical analysis of three megaprojects and an organizational theory approach based on the notion of symbolism-intensive organizations, this research attempts to shed light on how symbols are constructed, ...
Symbolic megaprojects: historical evidence of a forgotten dimension
By combining an historical analysis of three megaprojects and an organizational theory approach based on the notion of symbolismintensive organizations, this research attempts to shed light on how symbols are constructed, ...
The symbolic (re)production of marginality: Social construction, internalization, and concrete consequences of territorial stigmatization in a poor neighborhood of Santiago de Chile
Territorial stigmatization is a socially-constructed, symbolic representation of a place created and manipulated by external agents, which, once established, becomes decisive for the future of that place and its residents. ...
The experience of time in symbol formation process
The main objective of this article is to review the phenomenological theory of time in philosophy and the process of symbol formation in developmental psychology in order to explore a first approach to the integration of ...
¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de construcciones femeninas y masculinas?
(Universidad de Costa Rica. Campus Rodrigo Facio. Sitio web: https://www.ucr.ac.cr/ Teléfono: (506) 2511-4000. Correo de soporte: revistas@ucr.ac.cr, 2005)
Coorbit spaces of symbols for square integrable families of operators
(Editura Acad. Romani, 2016)
The aim of this article is to provide a unified construction of coorbit spaces of symbols for the calculus associated to a square-integrable family of bounded Hilbert space operators, going far beyond the group theoretic ...
The construction of popular stories: an example from its symbolic elements
Ornament as a need in spontaneous architecture. Learning aesthetics from self-constructed dwellings.
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2015-02-16)
Ornament or decorative elements are a constant in spontaneous architecture. When people build their own dwelling without consulting a professional, it will always display some kind of sign or symbol aimi ng to make the ...