Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 81
Second-Generation Lignocellulosic Supportive Material Improves Atomic Ratios of C:O and H:O and Thermomechanical Behavior of Hybrid Non-Woody Pellets
Pellets refer to solid biofuels for heating and power. The pellet's integrity is of great relevant to ensure safe and effective transportation and storage, and comfort to stakeholders. Several materials that are supportive, ...
Second-generation lignocellulosic supportive material improves atomic ratios of C:O and H:O and thermomechanical behavior of hybrid non-woody pellets
Pellets refer to solid biofuels for heating and power. The pellet’s integrity is of great relevant to ensure safe and effective transportation and storage, and comfort to stakeholders. Several materials that are supportive, ...
Valorization of semi-solid by-product from distillation of cellulosic ethanol into blends for heating and power
Burning down on semi-solid by-product from distillation of cellulosic ethanol to power upstream steps of its manufacturing is usual. However, this feedstock is homogenous in size and shape, hygroscopic and poorly energetic. ...
Biorrefinaria aplicada à cadeia de soja: um estudo de caso de extração verde e sustentável de isoflavonas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Química - PPGQCâmpus São Carlos, 2021-04-29)
SOY BIOREFINERY: GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE EXTRACTION OF ISOFLAVONES. Brazil has the potential to be the world's largest producer of soybeans (Glycine max), being, in 2020, responsible for the production of 124 Mt of oilseeds. ...
Life cycle assessment of hot mix asphalt with recycled concrete aggregates for road pavements construction
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2021)