Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 120
Rojo neutro: Nuestra experiencia de diagnóstico en micosis superficiales en cinco pacientes
(Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2002)
Terapia farmacológica antifungica en estomatología
(Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 2018-04-23)
Las infecciones fúngicas o micosis pueden causar diversos tipos de lesiones tanto leves como severas, logrando ser en ocasiones mortales. La micosis se puede dividir en superficiales, subcutáneas, sistémicas y oportunistas. ...
Superficial mycosis, at the site or distant to the surgical site, appears to predispose patients to bacterial periprosthetic joint infections.
(SAGE Publications, 2021)
BACKGROUND: It is traditionally believed that presence of fungal infection in the nail or skin of patients is a risk factor for subsequent infection. The literature is devoid of any evidence to confirm or refute this ...
A dyshidrosis-like variant of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma with clinicopathological aspects of mycosis fungoides. A case report
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) is an aggressive type of leukemia/lymphoma associated with the human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I). We describe an adult male patient clinically and pathologically diagnosed as ...
New oral antimycotic agents: Alternative treatments for superficial mycosis Nuevos antimicoticos orales: Alternativas en el tratamiento de las micosis superficiales
The license of three new oral antimicotic drugs: itraconazole, fluconazole and terbinafine, has allowed to shorten antimicotic treatments to increase the compliance, and in some cases to increase the percentage of healing. ...
Mycoses associated with AIDS in the Third World
(B I O S Scientific Publishers Ltd, 2000-01-01)
Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, the epidemiological status of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is far from under control in most of the developing world. Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and ...
Factores de riesgo para micosis superficial de pies en personal del batallón de infantería de marina de la amazonía N° 1
(Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAOPE, 2023)
Determinar si la diabetes mellitus, el sobrepeso, el tipo de actividad, la frecuencia de
cambio de calcetines, el rango jerárquico y el tipo de calzado son factores de riesgo para micosis
superficial de pies en personal ...
Tropical Fungal Infections
(Elsevier, 2012)
Fungal infections are more common and diverse in the tropics but are also increasingly seen in returning travelers and migrants as international travel becomes easier. They are conventionally classified into superficial, ...