Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 351
Sensing climate change in an ephemeral coastal pond: implications to the conservation of biodiversity in a subtropical dry forest
(External Scientific Advisory Committe (ESAC), 2012)
Redistribution of forest biomass in an heterogeneous environment of subtropical Andes undergoing agriculture adjustment
(Elsevier, 2015-08)
Estimations of the carbon stored in the above-ground biomass are important from traditional, ecological and forestry to contemporary climate and land-use change perspectives. Carbon sequestration and storage is reduced by ...
The lowland seasonally dry subtropical forests in central Argentina: vegetation types and a call for conservation
(Pensoft Publishers, 2020-04)
The native woody vegetation from the Espinal phytogeographic province in central Argentina, found in subtropical-warm temperate climates, represents part of the southernmost seasonally dry forest in South America. Although ...
Characterization of forest carbon stocks at the landscape scale in the Argentine Dry Chaco
(Elsevier Science, 2018-09)
One of the most proposed climate change mitigation strategies is carbon sequestration by vegetation. This depends on the rate of carbon uptake and transformation in biomass, the rate of release through respiration, and the ...
Livestock grazing impact differently on the functional diversity of dung beetles depending on the regional context in subtropical forests.
(Scientific Reports, 2022-01-31)
The replacement of native forest by cattle pastures reduces functional diversity; however, little is known about whether the changes depend on regional variation. Dung beetles are one of the most diverse and functionally ...
Genetic Variation Patterns of “Algarrobos” from the “Great American Chaco” (Prosopis alba, P. nigra, P. hassleri, P. febrigii, P. ruscifolia, P. chilensis, and P. fexuosa)
(Springer International Publishing, 2021)
Beginnings of genetic studies of forest tree species native to Argentina. Main forest ecoregions of Argentina: Alto Paraná Rainforest, Yungas Rainforest, Chaco Subtropical Dry Forest, Subantarctic Temperate Forest, Espinal ...
Area and edge effects on leaf-litter decomposition in a fragmented subtropical dry forest
(Elsevier Masson, 2014-10)
South American subtropical dry forests are highly threatened by fragmentation. Despite considerable research efforts aimed at predicting ecosystem alterations due to this driver of global change, we still need to deal with ...
Measuring forest fragmentation using multitemporal forest cover maps: Forest loss and spatial pattern analysis in the Gran Chaco, central Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2015-08)
Forest fragmentation is a landscape-level process that consists of two interdependent components: forestloss and spatial pattern changes to which species respond differently. Efficient programs to conservenative biodiversity ...
Germination characteristics of five coexisting neotropical species of Acacia in seasonally dry Chaco forests in Argentina
(Wiley, 2017-04)
At a regional scale, habitat heterogeneity can play a very important role in allowing the coexistence of species through their specialization in the use of patches differing in environmental conditions. Here, we explore ...
Diameter growth of subtropical trees in Puerto Rico
(USDA Forest Service. Southern Research Station, 2018)