Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 156
Large Latin American Millimeter Array
(Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educación Superior, 2020-10)
The Large Latin American Millimeter Array (LLAMA) is amultipurpose single-dish 12 m radiotelescope with VLBI capabilityunder construction in the Puna de Atacama desert in the Provinceof Salta, Argentina. In this paper I ...
Resolving the FU Orionis System with ALMA: Interacting Twin Disks?
(IOP, 2020)
FU Orionis objects are low-mass pre-main sequence stars characterized by dramatic outbursts several magnitudes in brightness. These outbursts are linked to episodic accretion events in which stars gain a significant portion ...
First Supra-THz Heterodyne Array Receivers for Astronomy With the SOFIA Observatory
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2016)
We present the upGREAT THz heterodyne arrays for far-infrared astronomy. The low-frequency array (LFA) is designed to cover the 1.9-2.5 THz range using 2 7-pixel wave-guide-based HEB mixer arrays in a dual polarization ...