Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 821
Argentinian two-party system: evidence and reasons of a persistence (1983-2003)El bipartidismo argentino: evidencias y razones de una persistencia (1983-2003)
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2017)
The Reach of the Arbitration Agreement to Parties involved in the Same Legal Relationship
(Departamento de Derecho Comercial, 2012-06-10)
Complex legal relationships may involve a net of companies, linked to each other by several autonomous contracts, performing works and services towards a single project. If disputes arise, resolving each of them independently ...
'Break-In Parties' and Changing Patterns of Democracy in Latin America
(ABCP, 2016-02)
Although Lijphart's typology of consensus and majoritarian democracy can be regarded as the most widely used tool to classify democratic regimes, it has been rarely applied to Latin America so far. We try to fill this gap ...
Between the Strike and the Ballot Box: The Early Years of the Argentine Socialist Party, 1890-1910
(Wiley, 2018-02)
The Socialist Party is one of Argentina´s oldest political formations and played a key role in the national political scene since its foundation in the late nineteenth century. Under the leadership of the physician Juan ...
Strong presidents powerful provinces: the political-economy of party building in Argentina´s federal system
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2011)
Fission-Fusion Dynamics in Southern Muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) in Continuous Brazilian Atlantic Forest
(Springer, 2012-02-01)
Fission-fusion social dynamics, the spatiotemporal variance in subunit size, composition, and cohesion, are the subject of considerable interest owing to their complex nature and widespread appearance in the primate order. ...
Class and Party in Gramsci
The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate Gramsci’s perception on the relationship between class and party. He believed it to be determined by a dialectical movement radically different from predominant conceptions from ...
Strong Provincial Leadership: Concept and Typology in Buenos Aires Peronism (1983-2015)Liderazgo provincial fuerte: concepto y tipología en el peronismo bonaerense (1983-2015)
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2018)
Taylorism in the socialism that really existed
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2009-03)
The principal objective of the present paper is to analyse the introduction of Taylorism, understood as a capitalist way of managing production and labour, in the former Soviet Union. The application of this capitalist ...