Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 590
On the strong discontinuity approach in finite deformation settings
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003-05)
Taking the strong discontinuity approach as a framework for modelling displacement discontinuities and strain localization phenomena, this work extends previous results in innitesimal strain settings to finite deformation ...
A boundary element method formulation to capture strong discontinuities in solids
A Boundary Element Method (BEM) formulation to predict the behavior of solids exhibiting displacement (strong) discontinuity is presented. In this formulation, the effects of the displacement jump of a discontinuity interface ...
An implicit BEM formulation to model strong discontinuities in solids
(Springer, 2007-11-01)
A boundary element method (BEM) formulation to predict the behavior of solids exhibiting displacement (strong) discontinuity is presented. In this formulation, the effects of the displacement jump of a discontinuity interface ...
A general technique to embed non-uniform discontinuities into standard solid finite elements
A general technique to embed non-uniform displacement discontinuities into standard solid finite elements is presented. The technique is based on the decomposition of the kinematic fields into a component related to the ...
A general technique to embed non-uniform discontinuities into standard solid finite elements
A general technique to embed non-uniform displacement discontinuities into standard solid finite elements is presented. The technique is based on the decomposition of the kinematic fields into a component related to the ...
Continuum approach to material failure in strong discontinuity settings
(Elsevier Science, 2004-04)
The paper focuses the numerical modelling of material failure in a strong discontinuity setting using a continuum format. Displacement discontinuities, like fractures, cracks, slip lines, etc., are modelled in a strong ...
From continuum mechanics to fracture mechanics: the strong discontinuity approach
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2002-09)
The paper deals with the strong discontinuity approach and shows the links with the decohesive fracture mechanics provided by that approach. On the basis of 1D continuum damage models it is shown that, by introducing some ...
Theoretical and computational issues in modeling material failure in strong discontinuity scenerios
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2004-12)
The paper deals with several aspects related to numerical modelling of material failure in strong discontinuity settings: (a) the onset and development of local material failure in terms of continuum constitutive models ...
An implicit BEM formulation to model strong discontinuities in solids
(Springer, 2007-11-01)
A boundary element method (BEM) formulation to predict the behavior of solids exhibiting displacement (strong) discontinuity is presented. In this formulation, the effects of the displacement jump of a discontinuity interface ...