Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 312
Relationship between running intensity, muscle activation, and stride kinematics during an incremental protocol
Objective: To analyze the effect of running intensity on stride length (SL), stride frequency (SF), stride time (ST) and the electromyographic signal of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), ...
Relationship between running intensity, muscle activation, and stride kinematics during an incremental protocol
Objective: To analyze the effect of running intensity on stride length (SL), stride frequency (SF), stride time (ST) and the electromyographic signal of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), ...
Gender-based differences in stride and limb dimensions between healthy red-wing tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens) Temminck, 1815
(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2011-01-01)
The red-wing tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens) is economically important as food. The current study investigated the limb and trunk characteristics in age-matched [year-of-hatch (yoh) 2004 and 2005], gender segregated birds, ...
Gender-based differences in stride and limb dimensions between healthy red-wing tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens) Temminck, 1815
(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2011-01-01)
The red-wing tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens) is economically important as food. The current study investigated the limb and trunk characteristics in age-matched [year-of-hatch (yoh) 2004 and 2005], gender segregated birds, ...
Decreased running economy is not associated with decreased force production capacity following downhill running in untrained, young men
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020-02-20)
The present study investigated the relationships between changes in running economy (RE) and indirect muscle damage markers following downhill running (DHR) to test the hypothesis that decreased RE after DHR would be ...
Gender-based differences in stride and limb dimensions between healthy red-wing tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens) Temminck, 1815
(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2014)
Swimming performance in semiaquatic and terrestrial Oryzomyine rodents
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-01-01)
Semiaquatic and terrestrial mammals frequently have to cross or move along water bodies, both trying to remain on the water surface using one or two pairs of limbs, combining different gaits and stride lengths and frequencies. ...
Locomotion patterns in two South American gymnophthalmid lizards: Vanzosaura rubricauda and Procellosaurinus tetradactylus
We quantified gait and stride characteristics (velocity, frequency, stride length, stance and swing duration, and duty factor) in the bursts of locomotion of two small, intermittently moving, closely related South American ...
Análise das variáveis cinemáticas espaço-temporais frequência e amplitude de passos, na pista e na esteira ergométrica
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilFaculdade de Educação FísicaPrograma de Pós-graduação em Educação FísicaUFJF, 2018)