Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25
Capacidad competitiva y tolerancia a la defoliación en Stipa clarazii, Stipa tenuis y Stipa ambiguaCompetitive ability and defoliation tolerance in Stipa clarazii, Stipa tenuis y Stipa ambigua
(Fundacion Romulo Raggio, 2006-01)
Mayores valores de tasas de crecimiento, capacidad de proliferación radical, densidad de longitud de raíces y capacidad de absorción de nutrientes se han asociado con un aumento en la adquisición de nutrientes en las ...
The influence of Larrea divaricata on soil moisture and on water status and growth of Stipa tenuis in southern Argentina
(Elsevier, 2002-09)
We studied the effect of a dominant shrub (Larrea divaricata) on soil moisture, and how this affected water potential and growth of a dominant grass (Stipa tenuis) in a shrubland located in southern Argentina. Soil moisture ...
Bud viability in perennial grasses: Water stress and defoliation effects
(Society for Range Management, 2002-03)
Effects of the timing and frequency of defoliation under different levels of soil water availability were evaluated on bud metabolic activity and subsequent outgrowth in the desirable (i.e., palatable) Stipa clarazii Ball. ...
Perennial grasses of different successional stages under various soil water regimes: do they differ in root length density?
(Interciencia, 2007-12)
La información sobre densidad de longitud de raíces (DLR) es escasa en gramíneas perennes de diferentes estados sucesionales expuestas a varios niveles hídricos del suelo. Los efectos de distintos niveles hídricos sobre ...
Phytolith Assemblages in Grasses Native to Central Argentina
(Oxford University Press, 2004-12)
Background and Aims Phytolith reference collections are a prerequisite for accurate interpretation of soil phytolith assemblages aimed at reconstructing past vegetation. In this study a phytolith reference collection has ...
Defoliation Tolerance and Ammonium Uptake Rate in Perennial Tussock Grasses
(Society for Range Management, 2004-01)
Se ha demostrado que Stipa clarazii tiene una mayor tolerancia a la defoliación y capacidad competitiva que S. tenuis y S. ambigua, 3 especies de gramíneas perennes nativas en los pastizales naturales semiáridos del centro ...
Are fine roots of both shrubs and perennial grasses able to occupy the upper soil layer? A case study in the arid Patagonian Monte with non-seasonal precipitation
(Springer, 2007-09)
We tested whether both shrubs and grasses are able to develop similar active fine-root systems in the upper soil layer of the arid Patagonian Monte ecosystem with non-seasonal precipitation. We selected in the field shrub ...
Effects of Defoliation at Varying Soil Water Regimes on Aboveground Biomass of Perennial Grasses
(Taylor, 2003-04)
We evaluated the effects of defoliation under varying soil water regimes on aboveground biomass of perennial grasses native to semiarid rangelands of central Argentina. The palatable species Stipa tenuis and S. clarazii ...
Direct assessment of competitive ability and defoliation tolerance in perennial grassesÉvaluation directe de la compétitivité et de la tolérance à la défoliation des graminées vivaces
(Agricultural Inst Canada, 2004-01)
Stipa clarazii is a dominant, late-seral perennial grass species under exclosure or lightly grazed rangelands in semiarid Argentina, whereas S. tenuis and S. ambigua are earlier-seral perennial tussock grasses. Recent ...
Root growth, appearance and disappearance in perennial grasses: Effects of the timing of water stress with or without defoliationCroissance, naissance et mort des racines chez les gram-inées vivaces : incidence du stress hydrique dans le temps, avec ou sans défoliation
(Agricultural Inst Canada, 2002-12)
The effects ofearly and late defoliations were evaluated under different levels of soil water content on root growth, appearance and disappear-ance in Stipa claraziiBall, S. tenuisPhil., and S. gynerioidesPhil. Field studies ...