Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 109
Photometry of cataclysmic variable stars
Short term period variable stars observed at OAUNI
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2019-06-06)
We present the first scientific results of the program on short term period variable stars observed at OAUNI at the peruvian Andes. These results include good quality light curves of delta Scuti stars, rapidly oscillating ...
Tomographic Simulations of accretion disks in cataclysmic variables - Flickering and wind
Both continuum and emission line flickering are phenomena directly associated with the mass-accretion process. In this work we simulated accretion-disk Doppler maps, including the effects of winds and flickering flares. ...
OAUNI astronomical photometry: stellar variability of FO Aqr on 2016 low state
(IOP Publishing, 2020)
This work reports a photometric monitoring of the intermediate polar cataclysmic variable star FO Aqr. This is part of the ongoing OAUNI stellar variability program. Around 1200 individual measurements (or ∼ 9 hrs of ...
Evidence for reduced magnetic braking in polars from binary population models
(Royal Astronomical Society, 2020)
We present the first population synthesis of synchronous magnetic cataclysmic variables, called polars, taking into account the effect of the white dwarf (WD) magnetic field on angular momentum loss. We implemented the ...
A Time-Series Analysis of the H alpha Emission Line in V3885 Sagitarii
Flickering is a phenomenon related to mass accretion observed among many classes of astrophysical objects. In this paper we present a study of flickering emission lines and the continuum of the cataclysmic variable V3885 ...