Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 101
Biodiversidad marina de Costa Rica: Filo PoriferaBiodiversidad marina de Costa Rica: Filo Porifera
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2015)
Integrative taxonomy of calcareous sponges (subclass Calcinea) from the Peruvian coast: Morphology, molecules, and biogeography
(Oxford University Press, 2015)
Understanding of evolution and systematics of Calcarea (Porifera) have not yet met a corresponding increase in the knowledge of diversity and distribution of these sponges in several parts of the world. Peru is an emblematic ...
Sterols from the marine sponge Iophon proximun
Ten Δ5-sterols, making up 77% of the total fraction, and seven 5α-stanol derivatives were identified from the sponge Iophon proximun. The pattern is similar to that found in related sponges. © 1988.
A new Clathria (Demospongiae, Microcionidae) from Peru occurring on rocky substrates as well as epibiontic on Eucidaris thouarsii sea urchins
(Magnolia Press, 2011)
Southeastern Pacific sponges (Phylum Porifera) range among the world's least known faunas, with only 13 species reported to date from the entire Peruvian coast. This state of affairs motivated the onset of two large, ...
Sterols from the marine sponge Tedania excavata
Thirteen sterols were identified from the marine sponge Tedania excavata. Among them, Δ5-derivatives were the principal components with minor amounts of stanols. The presence of a Δ5,7-derivative and a 3β-hydroxy-Δ5-7-keto ...