Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 149
Design and construction of an optical reflectometer for research on spin crossover materials
(Facultad Experimental de Ciencias de la Universidad del Zulia, 2009)
Synthesis and characterization of T[Ni(CN)(4)] center dot 2pyz with T=Fe, Ni, pyz=pyrazine: Formation of T-pyz-Ni bridges
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2011)
Structural distortions of the spin-crossover material [Co(pyterpy)2](TCNQ)2 mediated by supramolecular interactions.
(royal chemical society, 2018)
Anomalous thermodynamic properties in ferropericlase throughout its spin crossover transition
The thermodynamics properties of ferropericlase (Mg(1-x)Fe(x)O where x=0.1875) (Fp) throughout its spin crossover were investigated by first principles. Fp was treated as an ideal solid solution of pure high-spin and ...
Kinetics of the reaction of nitric oxide with polypyridylamine iron(II) complexes
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015-06)
The reactions of three polypyridylamine ferrous complexes, [Fe(TPEN)]2+, [Fe(TPPN)]2+, and [Fe(TPTN)]2+, with nitric oxide (NO) (where TPEN = N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine, TPPN = N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis( ...
Quench dynamics in spin crossover induced by high pressure
In this paper we have analytically and numerically studied the dynamics of spin crossover induced by time-dependent pressure. We show that quasi static pressure, with a slow dependence on time, yields a spin crossover ...
Electrochemical studies of grid and linear type M2+ (M=Zn, Cd and Pb) complexes of a bis-(hydrazone) bearing two symmetric carboxylic groups.
Herein we present the preparation of a bis-(hydrazone) containing a pyridine-pyrimidinepyridine
framework. This compound can be visualized as a double arm system able of coordinating
two metal ions in a terpyridine-like ...
Spin crossover: The quantum phase transition induced by high pressure
The relationship is established between the Berry phase and spin crossover in condensed matter physics induced by high pressure. It is shown that the geometric phase has topological origin and can be considered as the order ...
Emptiness formation probability and PainlevéV equation in the XY spin chain
(IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA Medialab srl, 2020)