Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 768
Performance of Postemergence Herbicides Applied at Different Carrier Volume Rates
(Weed Sci Soc Amer, 2015-07-01)
POST weed control in soybean in the United States is difficult because weed resistance to herbicides has become more prominent. Herbicide applicators have grown accustomed to low carrier volume rates that are typical with ...
Post-emergence application of herbicides and growth regulators on soybean growth and agronomic performance
Plant lodging is among the factors that limit the productive potential of the soybean crop. Growth regulators or even herbicides may be used in pre- and post-emergence of soybean to minimize the chance of lodging. These ...
Toothpick test: A methodology for the detection of RR soybean plants
Due to the large increase in the area cultivated with genetically modified soybean in Brazil, it has become necessary to determine methods that are fast and efficient for detecting these cultivars. The aim of this work was ...
Selectivity and residual weed control of pre-emergent herbicides in soybean crop1
(Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2021-06-16)
The use of pre-emergent herbicides is important for the current agricultural production systems that present weeds resistant to herbicides. Considering the complexity of using these products, the objective of this work was ...
Halauxifen-methyl+diclosulam: New option to control conyza spp. prior soybean sowingHalauxifen-methyl+diclosulam: Nova opção para o controle de conyza spp. em pré-semeadura da soja
Control of Conyza spp. prior to soybean sowing has faced difficulties because of the resistance cases in Brazil, hence new herbicides as halauxifen-methyl + diclosulam are important to manage this specie. The objective of ...
(Univ Fed Rural Semi-arido-ufersa, 2018-10-01)
Water deficit is a limiting factor for the soybean yield; it triggers different physiological and anatomical adaptations that have deleterious effects on the plants and can affect the selectivity of herbicides, causing ...
Adoption of herbicide resistant soybean in Argentina: an economic analysis
(Springer, 2003)
Soybean cultivation was introduced in the Pampean region of Argentina in the 1970s, and has been characterized by an incredible rate of adoption and growth. In 1970–71, soybean production amounted to 59,000 tons, with a ...
Development of RR soybean in function of glyphosate doses and Bradyrhizobium inoculation
(Univ Federal Campina Grande, 2018-12-01)
Soybean has traditionally been produced in systems that include the use of herbicides, often in higher than recommended doses. The process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes can be hampered by these herbicides, both ...