Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 291
In field source-sink manipulation of early and late harvest nectarine varieties changes photosynthetic responses due to stomatal closure and carbohydrate accumulation in source leaves
Sink/source balance is determinant in carbon partitioning within the plant. Thinning is an
18 agronomic practice that consists in changing the ratio between adult leaves and fruits, source and sink
19 organs respectively. ...
Maize grain yield components and source-sink relationship as affected by the delay in sowing date
(Elsevier Science, 2016-11)
Delaying maize (Zea mays L.) sowing date can diminish grain yields through reductions in the number, size and activity of growing grains (sink strength) and/or reductions in the assimilate supply (source capacity) to grains ...
Analysis of sink/source relations in bread wheat recombinant inbred lines and commercial cultivars under a high yield potential environment
(Elsevier Science, 2018-02)
Grain yield in wheat is generally considered to be sink-limited during grain filling. But is this limitation inherent to the crop species or a consequence of the breeding process? A way to ascertain this is by using genetic ...
Differential source-sink manipulation affects leaf carbohydrate and photosynthesis of early- and late-harvest nectarine varieties
Source-sink balance is a major determinant of carbon partitioning within plants. Thinning is an agronomic practice that consists of changing the ratio between leaves and fruits, the source and sink plant organs, respectively. ...
Recent progress on the sources of continental precipitation as revealed by moisture transport analysis
The assessment of sources of moisture is key to the understanding of the hydrological cycle at different time scales, because it enables the establishment of source-sink relationships and the identification of the main ...
Maize senescence under contrasting source-sink ratios during the grain filling period
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-12)
Grain growth and leaf senescence are the main processes during post-silking in maize. An unanswered question is how changes in sink strength (the number of grains to be filled) affect leaf senescence. We studied the effect ...
Sources, sinks and long-term cycling of iodine in the hyperarid Atacama continental margin
The Atacama region in northern Chile hosts the driest desert on Earth and is the world’s premier iodine production province. The origin of iodine enrichment in Atacama is controversial and fundamentally different processes ...
Fruit and Tissue Responses of 'Arauco' Olive Fruits to Crop Load in Arid Argentina
(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2014-11)
Fruit size at harvest is an important parameter of table olive yield and quality, and is a function of the growth of both major tissues, the fleshy mesocarp (pulp) and the endocarp (pit). High crop loads most often reduce ...
On an energy exchange process and appearance of chaos in a non-ideal portal frame dynamical system
In this paper, we consider non-ideal excitation devices such as DC motors with restrictenergy output capacity. When such motors are attached to structures which needexcitation power levels similar to the source power ...