Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 550
SSV3D: Simulador de Sombras Vectoriales por Radiación Solar sobre Objetos Tridimensionales
(Centro de Información Tecnológica, 2005)
Simulação de um aquecedor solar de água como etapa do processo de destoxicação da torta de mamona.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2007-08-10)
Algorithms have been developed in arder to simulate the water solar heating as a strategy for lowering castor bean pie destoxication costs, among from the biodiesel oil for production extraction processo Diverse procedure, ...
Modeling and simulation of grid-connected photovoltaic energy conversion systems
(Elsevier, 2014-01)
Solar power generation using PV (photovoltaic) technology is a key but still evolving technology with the fastest growing renewable-based market worldwide in the last decade. In this sector with tremendous potential for ...