Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 74
O catolicismo no Brasil: um campo para a pesquisa social
(EDUFBA, 2002)
Reedição do estudo pioneiro sobre o catolicismo no Brasil do antropólogo e sociólogo baiano Thales de Azevedo, que conferiu à obra um ponto de vista predominantemente sociológico e de alta significação para a melhor ...
Religião e poder : uma crítica da teologia cristã
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-10-14)
This work is a study about power strategies used throughout the history of the Judaic-Christian religion in a socio-political, critic-historical, theological vision, from the Biblical tribalism period, to the capitalistic ...
Religião e poder : uma crítica da teologia cristã
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-10-14)
This work is a study about power strategies used throughout the history of the Judaic-Christian religion in a socio-political, critic-historical, theological vision, from the Biblical tribalism period, to the capitalistic ...
O ensino religioso e sua influência na formação ética e social dos adolescentes
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-07-24)
Nowadays so much of the crisis of transmission of values is spoken in the society, especially reaching the adolescents and young in their existential dynamics concerning to their ethical and social formation. The present ...
O ensino religioso e sua influência na formação ética e social dos adolescentes
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-07-24)
Nowadays so much of the crisis of transmission of values is spoken in the society, especially reaching the adolescents and young in their existential dynamics concerning to their ethical and social formation. The present ...
Projeto "uma vaca para o índio": perspectiva social na prática pastoral diocesana (Roraima, 1970-1996)
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-04-06)
The research had as scope to examine indigenous pastoral practice of the Roman Catholic Church that settles in a social and perspective, which tries to materialize specifically the Project "A cow for the Indian." It's not ...
Projeto "uma vaca para o índio": perspectiva social na prática pastoral diocesana (Roraima, 1970-1996)
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-04-06)
The research had as scope to examine indigenous pastoral practice of the Roman Catholic Church that settles in a social and perspective, which tries to materialize specifically the Project "A cow for the Indian." It's not ...