Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 71897
Rules of origin and welfare analysis
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Economía, 2019)
School and prejudice: study on prejudice against geographical origin and place for teacher training
(Univ Metodista Piracicaba-unimep, 2016-01-01)
This text aims at presenting some results of the research that made it possible to investigate the social representations of prejudice against geographic origin and place in students from rural schools, with the main purpose ...
The Economically Active Population in Tijuana and that of Mexican Origin in San Diego from 1970 to 2010
(El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, A.C., 2016)
An Approach to the Economic Socialization of University Students: The Origin, Uses and Meaning of Money
(International Education Studies;, 2018-06-28)
This article discusses the origin of university students� money, the way they use it as well as the meaning they grant_x000D_
it. The research that originated this discussion had a quantitative approach and descriptive ...
The Social Deconstruction of Grieving and the Horizon of Continuities (Original version in English)La deconstrucción social del duelo y el horizonte de continuidades (Versión original en inglés)A desconstrução social do luto e o horizonte das continuidades (Versão original em inglês)
(CIICLA, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2021)
The origins and evolution of social commerce: enhancing e-commerce platforms with social features
(Universidad de LimaPE, 2022)
With technological development and digital transformation, the social commerce model has quickly become the best strategy for delivering a superior shopping experience. Although the history and evolution of the model can ...
International migration and change in the villages of originMigración internacional y cambio en los poblados de origen
(Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 2017)
Um modelo de sociedade ‘bem ordenada' em John Rawls
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilFilosofiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em FilosofiaCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2021-02-08)
This dissertation aims to analyze a well-ordered society in John Rawls, which is based on justice
as equity. The work aims to highlight, in the current Brazilian contemporary society, the theory
of justice as equity that ...