Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11457
The triangle formed by framing, agenda-setting and metacoverage
(Universidad del Rosario / Universidad de Los Andes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2014)
Another violent protest?: new perspectives to understand protest coverage
This study assesses the relationship between two well-established sets of frames to better understand the news coverage of massive political protests. By relying on Semetko and Valkenburg’s generic frames and McLeod and ...
News framing of cannabis: A quantitative exploratory study from the framing theoryEl enmarcado informativo del cannabis: un estudio cuantitativo exploratorio desde la teoría del framing
(Universidad del Rosario / Universidad de Los Andes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2014)
The journalistic coverage of cannabis, the most used drug of restricted trade in the world, has stimulated a debate about its effects. However, there is a lack of research about the media information on cannabis, and the ...
Antecedentes y fundamentos de la teoría del framing en comunicaciónAntecedents and bases of framing theory in communication
(Universidad Austral. Facultad de Comunicación, 2013-06)
Durante los últimos años, la teoría del framing o encuadre ha ocupado un lugar destacado en los estudios en comunicación. No obstante, sus fundamentos conceptuales pueden hallarse fuera de ese campo, especialmente en tres ...
Between peace and hate: Framing the 2014 Colombian presidential election on Twitter
(Cuadernos. Info, 2017)
This paper examines how two groups on Twitter— the 100 most-followed Colombian journalists and members of the general public—framed the 2014 Colombian presidential election. Using a social media analysis platform that ...
Periodismo digital en Ecuador: caso #vacunadosvip y #vacunadosgold según la teoría del Framing en Twitter
Ecuador experienced an administrative and social crisis, when public officials and their acquaintances anticipated the vaccination plan against Covid-19, while the high death rates continued to increase and elderly people ...
Analisando frames tecnológicos: um estudo das interpretações sociais da tecnologia da informação no contexto organizacionalMaking sense of technological frames: a study of social interpretations of information technology in the organizational context
(Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-graduação em Administração, 2012)
Frames tecnológicos (estruturas cognitivas compartilhadas em relação à tecnologia) constituem a temática desta pesquisa. O objetivo foi analisar a natureza e a extensão de diferenças em frames tecnológicos de grupos sociais ...