Mostrando ítems 1-6 de 6
Effects of long-term castration on the smooth muscle cell phenotype of the rat ventral prostate
(Amer Soc Andrology, IncLawrenceEUA, 2007)
Smooth muscle cell behavior in the ventral prostate of castrated rats
(Amer Soc Andrology, IncLawrenceEUA, 2004)
Melatonin decreases pulmonary vascular remodeling and oxygen sensitivity in pulmonary hypertensive newborn lambs
(Frontiers media SA, 2018)
Background: Chronic hypoxia and oxidative stress during gestation lead to pulmonary hypertension of the neonate (PHN), a condition characterized by abnormal pulmonary arterial reactivity and remodeling. Melatonin has strong ...