Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 261
Effect of acute cigarette smoking, alone or with alcohol, on gastric barrier function in healthy volunteers
(Pacini Editore s.r.l., 2002)
Background. Smoking is a risk factor for gastroduodenal ulcer and gastric adenocarcinoma. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms induced by acute cigarette smoking in the human gastric mucosa are poorly understood. ...
Fire cues and germination of invasive and native grasses in the Cerrado
(Soc Botanica Brasil, 2020-01-01)
Fire-related cues may enhance seed recruitment in flammable ecosystems and differences in fire-germination responses of invasive vs. native species can drive the invasion process. We evaluated the effects of heat shock and ...
Anti-inflammatory actions of herbal medicines in a model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease induced by cigarette smoke
The effects of four medicinal herbs (Arctium lappa, Plantago major, Mikania glomerata Spreng and Equisetum arvense) with anti-inflammatory properties were evaluated in a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) model. ...
Motivaciones para dejar de fumar en funcionarios y estudiantes universitarios ex fumadores
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2001)
Fire effects on seed germination: Heat shock and smoke on permeable vs impermeable seed coats
Flammable ecosystems host plants with different strategies in response to fire, such as increasing germination after the exposure to smoke and dormancy breaking by heat shocks. Cerrado is a fire-prone ecosystem, but less ...
Does Fire Trigger Seed Germination in the Neotropical Savannas? Experimental Tests with Six Cerrado Species
The Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) is a biodiversity hotspot with a history of fire that goes back as far as 10 million years. Fire has influenced the evolution of several aspects of the vegetation, including reproduction and ...
Metabolic profile and genotoxicity in obese rats exposed to cigarette smoke
Objective Experimental studies have shown that exposure to cigarette smoke has negative effects on lipid metabolism and oxidative stress status. Cigarette smoke exposure in nonpregnant and pregnant rats causes significant ...
Metabolic profile and genotoxicity in obese rats exposed to cigarette smoke
Objective Experimental studies have shown that exposure to cigarette smoke has negative effects on lipid metabolism and oxidative stress status. Cigarette smoke exposure in nonpregnant and pregnant rats causes significant ...
Anti-inflammatory actions of herbal medicines in a model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease induced by cigarette smoke
(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2018)
The effects of four medicinal herbs (Arctium lappa, Plantago major, Mikania glomerata Spreng and Equisetum arvense) with anti-inflammatory properties were evaluated in a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) model. ...
Parathyroid hormone (1-34) compensates the negative effect of smoking around implants
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2013)