Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11488
Fertility-associated proteins in Nelore bull sperm membranes
(Elsevier B.V., 2006-01-01)
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the protein composition of the sperm membranes (SM) of Nelore bulls, assessing protein markers associated with bull fertility, and whether these markers can be used for predicting ...
Antibodies to yeast Sm motif 1 cross-react with human Sm core polypeptides
(Blackwell Science, 1999-04-01)
Two regions common to all UsnRNP core polypeptides have been described: Sm motif 1 and Sm motif 2. Rabbits were immunized with a 22 amino-acid peptide containing one segment of Sm motif 1 (YRGTLVSTDNYFNLQL-NEAEEF, corresponding ...
Antibodies to yeast Sm motif 1 cross-react with human Sm core polypeptides
(Blackwell Science, 1999-04-01)
Two regions common to all UsnRNP core polypeptides have been described: Sm motif 1 and Sm motif 2. Rabbits were immunized with a 22 amino-acid peptide containing one segment of Sm motif 1 (YRGTLVSTDNYFNLQL-NEAEEF, corresponding ...
Avalia????o da resposta imune in vitro induzida por ant??geno de Schistosoma mansoni em indiv??duos asm??ticos.
(Instituto de Ci??ncias da Sa??deem ImunologiaUFBAbrasil, 2017-05-23)
Antibodies to yeast Sm motif 1 cross-react with human Sm core polypeptides
(Blackwell Science, 2014)
Fertility-associated proteins in Nelore bull sperm membranes
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)