Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 54
The supercritical Lane-Emden-Fowler equation in exterior domains
We consider the exterior problem
Fast and slow decay solutions for supercritical elliptic problems in exterior domains
(SPRINGER, 2008-08)
We consider the elliptic problem Delta u + u(p) = 0, u > 0 in an exterior domain, Omega = R-N\D under zero Dirichlet and vanishing conditions, where D is smooth and bounded in R-N, N >= 3, and p is supercritical, namely p ...
Slow decay of end effects in layered structures with an imperfect interface
An asymptotic analysis of a layered structure with an imperfect interface subject to an anti-plane shear deformation and non-homogeneous Dirichlet end conditions is presented in this paper. Two layers of isotropic materials ...
Expansion history with decaying vacuum: a complete cosmological scenario
(Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas FísicasRio de Janeiro, 2013)
We propose a novel cosmological scenario with the space-time emerging from a pure initial de Sitter stage and subsequently evolving into the radiation, matter and dark energy dominated epochs, thereby avoiding the initial ...
Nonlinear elliptic problems above criticality
We consider the elliptic problem Δu + up = 0, u > 0 in an exterior domain, Ω=RN∖D under zero Dirichlet and vanishing conditions, where D is smooth and bounded, and p is supercritical, namely p>N+2N−2 . We prove that ...