Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 131
Low threshold acquisition controller for Skipper charge-coupled devices
(SPIE.Digital Library, 2021-06-21)
The development of the Skipper-charge-coupled devices (Skipper-CCDs) has been a major technological breakthrough for sensing very weak ionizing particles. The sensor allows to reach the ultimate sensitivity of silicon ...
Sub-electron readout noise in a Skipper CCD fabricated on high resistivity silicon
(Springer, 2012-05-06)
The readout noise for Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) has been the main limitation when using these detectors for measuring small amplitude signals. A scientific CCD fabricated on a high-resistivity silicon substrate utilizing ...
A solution for future single-electron-counting fast-readout Skipper-CCD experiments: high channel density front-end electronics design and noise performance analysis
(SPIE, 2020)
The Skipper-CCDs, a special type of charge-coupled device (CCD) sensor that features sub-electron readout noise levels, was proposed decades ago. However, only in recent years it has been possible to develop large size ...
Single-Electron and Single-Photon Sensitivity with a Silicon Skipper CCD
(American Physical Society, 2017-09-29)
We have developed ultralow-noise electronics in combination with repetitive, nondestructive readout of a thick, fully depleted charge-coupled device (CCD) to achieve an unprecedented noise level of 0.068 e- rms/pixel. This ...
SENSEI: Direct-Detection Results on sub-GeV Dark Matter from a New Skipper CCD
(American Physical Society, 2020-10)
We present the first direct-detection search for sub-GeV dark matter using a new ∼2-gram high-resistivity Skipper CCD from a dedicated fabrication batch that was optimized for dark matter searches. Using 24 days of data ...
Multiplexed Readout for an Experiment with a Large Number of Channels Using Single-Electron Sensitivity Skipper-CCDs
(Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2022)