Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3113
A Framework for a Semiautomatic Competence Valuation
This paper’s aim is to show a method to semi-automatically evaluate the competence level reached by students through their university training. The Bolonia Plan’s evaluation has led to a review of university teaching ...
Does manager soft skills competence impact unit performance? Not sufficient, but quite necessary
Firms worldwide increasingly link competency-based appraisals to rewards as a tool to align human capital to business strategy and performance. Its assumption is that competence mastery at the individual level would drive ...
The listening comprehension skill as language enhancer in intermediate level in Colombia
This mixed methods research was carried out in a higher education institution in Colombia. The study basically aimed to know whether regular listening in a second language could have an effect in the acquisition of other ...
The incidence of the application of dynamic hypermedia resources on the level of development of reading and writing skills for students attending the sixth grade of basic education at LEOPOLDO LUCERO school in NUEVA LOJA, SUCUMBIOS during the third trimester, 2007-2008 school year
(QUITO / ESPE-IDIOMAS / 2009, 2009)
Through this research work it was determined the impact of the application of hypermedia resources on the students` achievement in the sixth grade of the institution, which determine the reading and writing skills of these ...
Teachers’ knowledge, skill and self importance in the implementation of English literacy
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Managing tomorrow’s digital skills - what conclusions can we draw from international comparative indicators?
(UNESCO, 2018)
While digital technology plays an increasingly important role in our lives, and political systems are mobilizing to make the most of its leverage effect on innovation and economic growth, 56% of adults lack digital skills, ...
Correspondence between Indicators of University Entry and Levels of Achievement of Diagnostic Competence in Kinesiology StudentsCorrespondencias entre indicadores de ingreso a la universidad y los niveles de logro de la competencia diagnóstico en estudiantes de kinesiología
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2019)
Techniques application to develop speaking skills in the teaching-learning process of english as a foreign language.
(Machala : Universidad Técnica de Machala, 2016)
The beautiful thing of learning is the way in since the teachers they achieve that his pupils see in them mas that a teacher, the education is the most complicated art but simultaneously the most gratifying, since he is a ...
Crianças e adolescentes com plumbemia: habilidades sociais, funcionamento intelectual e problemas de comportamento
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia - PPGPsi, 2012-06-15)
The World Health Organization has established that blood lead levels beyond 10μg/dl can cause neural behavior alterations in children, such as deficits in psychological development, hyperactivity, language development ...