Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1490
A factor analytic study of subject choice among a sixth form sample of Jamaican students, with particular reference to the natural sciences
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
This study aims to explore the underlying factor structure among the variables associated with subject choice-sciences or non-sciences-in a selected group of sixth form students in traditional high schools in Jamaica. ...
Spirituality and Personality within the framework of The Big FiveEspiritualidad y personalidad en el marco de los Big Five
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2018)
Evaluación de cumplimiento del protocolo de desinfección de impresiones dentales en clínicas odontológicas USTA
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado OdontologíaFacultad de Odontología, 2015)
Objective: To evaluate compliance with the protocol for disinfecting dental impressions in dental clinics USTA. Materials and methods: Observational study, because the study factor is not assigned by investigators, but ...
Encouragement of the English vocabulary skill development through the use of web tools in a sixth grade group from the educational institution Baudilio Montoya in the municipality of Calarcá
(Universidad del Quindío- Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas, 2016-07-28)
This research project envisages the importance of the encouragement of the English vocabulary skill development by means of the implementation of the web tools, which is intended to enhance and develop this skill. Due to ...
Difficulties that sixth, seventh, eighth semester LEMO students face when writing essays
(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018-07)
“The purpose of this study is to analyze teachers and students’ perceptions about essays and the most common difficulties students face in writing essays in order to determine the factors that affect students writing so ...
The influence of vocabulary learning strategies in the development of vocabulary proficiency of sixth graders of Liceo Panamericano School, first quinmester, school year 2018-2019.
(Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2018)