Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 70
The sheet metal formability of AA-5083-O sheets processed by friction stir processing
© 2015 G. F. Miori et al.The aim of this study is to determine the sheet metal formability of AA-5083-O sheets processed by the Friction Stir Processing (FSP). The FSP process was studied and a FSP tool was built. Processing ...
Influence of the strain path changes on the formability of a zinc sheet
(Elsevier Science SA, 2019-09)
The formability of sheet metals is frequently characterized by the forming limit curve (FLC), which is determined by applying proportional loading paths until the onset of necking. However, metal forming processes usually ...
Experimental and numerical analysis on the formability of a heat treated AA1100 aluminum alloy sheet
(Springer, 2015-03)
The objective of this work is to experimentally and numerically determine the influence of plastic anisotropy on the forming limit curve (FLC) for a heat-treated (300 C-1 h) AA1100 aluminum alloy sheet. The FLCs were ...
Hot Formability Of Din 27mncrb5 Steel Sheets Under Controlled Thinning
Efecto del cambio en el camino de deformación en la formabilidad de chapas de acero DP-780 y zinc Zn20Effect of strain-path change on the formability of DP-780 steel and Zn20 zinc sheets
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2018-06)
Los Diagramas Límite de Conformado (DLC), frecuentemente utilizados para caracterizar la formabilidad de chapas metálicas, se determinan asumiendo trayectorias de carga proporcionales hasta la ocurrencia de la inestabilidad ...
Continuous dynamic recrystallization in a Zn–Cu–Ti sheet subjected to bilinear tensile strain
(Elsevier Science SA, 2020-07)
Research on zinc sheet formability, relevant for its technological applications, requires deeper understanding of the microstructural features that govern the plastic response of the material. In this work, a microstructural ...
A miniaturized device for the measurement of sheet-metal formability using digital image correlation
(American Institute of Physics, 2018-08)
A laboratory-scale device to obtain forming-limit diagram data was designed to utilize the Marciniak and Kuczynski (MK) sample geometry. The design uses a high-resolution photographic camera, automatic trigger, and ...