Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 110
The effects of the method and dose of cyclophosphamide administration on cashmere shedding
(Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 2023)
The effects of the method and dose of cyclophosphamide administration on cashmere shedding
(Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 2023)
First Miocene fossils of Vivianiaceae shed new light on phylogeny, divergence times, and historical biogeography of Geraniales
(Oxford University Press, 2012-09)
The origin of Geraniales (approximately 900 species in three families: Geraniaceae, Melianthaceae, and Vivianiaceae) is traced back to the Cretaceous of Gondwana, yet their geotemporal history is largely unknown because ...
Multilocus phylogeny and historical biogeography of Hypostomus shed light on the processes of fish diversification in La Plata Basin
(Nature Publishing Group, 2021-12)
Distribution history of the widespread Neotropical genus Hypostomus was studied to shed light on the processes that shaped species diversity. We inferred a calibrated phylogeny, ancestral habitat preference, ancestral areas ...
What is the source of the magnetic helicity shed by CMEs? The long-term helicity budget of AR 7978
(EDP Sciences, 2002-02)
An isolated active region (AR) was observed on the Sun during seven rotations, starting from its birth in July 1996 to its full dispersion in December 1996. We analyse the long-term budget of the AR relative magnetic ...
A construção e a percepção do tempo nas obras 1919 e O bandido da luz vermelha
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-02-15)
The present work intends to analyze two works, one cinematographic, the other literary with the intention of shed some light on issues related to studies about time, literature and cinema. However we will take as a starting ...
Limitantes del potencial genético del pollo de engorda (Broiler) en condiciones comerciales, determinadas bajo la metodología de la ruta crítica
(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2017-09)
The objective was to establish the limitations of the genetic potential of the broiler in commercial terms, under the methodology of the critical route. For it, the information was collected of four cycles (42 days cycle- ...
Desigualdad económica y poder en México
(CEPAL, 2011-02)
Es un desafío tratar de entender por qué en México la inequidad en la distribución del ingreso no sólo es elevada sino también persistente. Responder plenamente a esta inquietud requeriría un programa de investigación ...
Epistemological-interpretative Keys to Analytically Adress Historic Time in the Western WorldClaves epistemológicas-interpretativas para abordar analíticamente el Tiempo Histórico en Occidente
(Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt. Laboratorio de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre el Pensamiento Crítico y Transformaciones Políticas (LESLA), 2020)