Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 349
Deep shear wave velocity profiles of the Santiago Basin for evaluation of seismic response
(ICSMGE, 2017)
Evaluation of the seismic response of the Santiago Basin requires a shear wave velocity model with vertical and lateral
variations that may explain the site effects reported during the 2010 Maule Earthquake. In order to ...
Ageing effects in the shear modulus of soils
Results of in situ tests of shear wave propagation are presented and analysed to evaluate the effects of geologic processes, stress history and ageing on the shear modulus of soils. These results show clear tendencies of ...
Study of the elastic shear modulus of Bio Bio sand using bender elements in an oedometer
(American Society Testing Materials, 2017)
The objective of the paper is to study the shear stiffness of Bio Bio sand. To this end, a system to measure the travel time of shear waves in Bio Bio sand samples using bender elements was designed and setup in an adapted ...
Retrieving shallow shear-wave velocity profiles from 2D seismic-reflection data with severely aliased surface waves
(Elsevier Science, 2019-02)
The inversion of surface-wave phase-velocity dispersion curves provides a reliable method to derive near-surface shear-wave velocity profiles. In this work, we invert phase-velocity dispersion curves estimated from 2D ...
Characterizing a tropical soil via seismic in situ tests
The shear wave velocity (Vs) is an important geotechnical parameter to be used in dynamic problems (e.g. earthquakes and vibration problems) as well as in static deformation analysis such as excavations and foundation ...
Site characterization at Chilean strong-motion stations: Comparison of downhole and microtremor shear-wave velocity methods
(Elsevier, 2015)
A blind comparison of independent invasive (downhole, standard penetration, bender element) and noninvasive microtremor shear-wave velocity (Vs) profiling is presented for 11 strong-motion stations in central and southern ...
Shear wave velocities beneath the eastern part of BrazilShear wave velocities beneath the eastern part of Brazil
(Instituto de Geofísica, 2012)
The seismic SPT to determine the maximum shear modulus
This paper presents the first results of a system to carry out seismic SPT, which associates the up-hole seismic technique to the currently used SPT test. This hybrid test allows determining the maximum shear modulus (G ...
The seismic SPT to determine the maximum shear modulus
This paper presents the first results of a system to carry out seismic SPT, which associates the up-hole seismic technique to the currently used SPT test. This hybrid test allows determining the maximum shear modulus (G ...
Modeling the fiber addition influence on the small strain shear modulus of sand
(Springer, 2017-07)
The mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced soils has been extensively studied in the last decades. Previous studies have shown that inclusion of fibers increases the shear strength of the reinforced soil. However, the ...