Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 29
Bioavailability of PAHs sequestered in sediment: microbial study and model prediction
(Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2007)
Nitrogen budget in integrated aquaculture systems with Nile tilapia and Amazon River prawn
The present work aims to describe the nitrogen (N) budget in integrated aquaculture systems with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Amazon River prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) in earthen ponds, with and without the ...
Factors influencing organic carbon accumulation in mangrove ecosystems
(Royal Society Publishing, 2018)
There is growing interest in the capacity of mangrove ecosystems to sequester and store 'blue carbon'. Here, we provide a synthesis of 66 dated sediment cores with previously calculated carbon accumulation rates in mangrove ...
Nonlinear responses in salt marsh functioning to increased nitrogen addition
(Ecological Society Of America, 2015-04)
Salt marshes provide storm protection to shorelines, sequester carbon (C), and mitigate coastal eutrophication. These valuable coastal ecosystems are confronted with increasing nitrogen (N) inputs from anthropogenic sources, ...
Using eDNA to determine the source of organic carbon in seagrass meadows
Seagrasses sequester globally significant amounts of carbon (C), which is stored mainly in the sediment. BothC fixation by the seagrass (autochthonous) and the trapping of organic matter that is derived from outside ...
Riparian forest potential to retain sediment and carbon evaluated by the 137Cs fallout and carbon isotopic ratio techniques
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2009)
Riparian forests can provide an important service for aquatic ecosystems by sequestering hillslopederived sediments. However, the width of a riparian buffer zone required to filter sediments is not yet wellunderstood. Here ...
Fluvial geomorphological dynamics and land use changes: impact on the organic carbon stocks of soil and sedimentDinámica geomorfológica fluvial y cambios de usos del suelo: impacto en los reservorios de carbono de suelos y sedimentos
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales., 2019)
Degradation of macroalgal detritus in shallow coastal Antarctic sediments
(American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 2019-02)
Glaciers along the western Antarctic Peninsula are retreating at unprecedented rates, opening up sublittoral rocky substrate for colonization by marine organisms such as macroalgae. When macroalgae are physically detached ...
Pollution in Coastal Areas: An Integrated Perspective in Environmental Risk Studies
(Nova Science Publishers, 2017)
Transitional water systems such as estuaries and subestuaries are areas of greatconcern in ecotoxicology due to urban and industrial settlement, being key areas ofproductivity and biogeochemical exchange between ocean and ...
Carbon budget in integrated aquaculture systems with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Amazon river prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum)
This study was centred on the carbon budget of Integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems in earthen ponds stocked with the freshwater Amazon river prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis ...