Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2266
Self-adaptive Systems: Facilitating the Use of Combinatorial Problem Solvers
(Springer Verlag, 2014)
SASeS: A Framework for the Development of Service-based Self-adaptive Applications
Self-adaptive Systems (SaS) enable the structural or behavioral adaptation at runtime in response to context changes or user's new needs without interruption in their execution. In service-based SaS, the adaptation activity ...
An approach for coordinating of the cooperative mapping in a self-adaptive formation system based on a modification of the ant colony algorithm
(Universidade de São Paulo - USPUniversidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCarCentro de Robótica de São Carlos - CROBSociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBCSociedade Brasileira de Automática – SBASão Carlos, 2014-10)
In this work, an approach for cooperative and distributed mapping in a self-adaptive formation system based on a modified version of the ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed. The strategy is distributed, decentralized, ...
Towards a Requirements Specification Multi-View Framework for Self-Adaptive Systems
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2015)
Adaptive Deployment Infrastructure For Android Applications
(IEEENew York, 2016)
DmS-Modeler: A tool for modeling decision-making systems for self-adaptive software domain
The ability to modify its own structure and/or behavior at runtime is a native feature in the development of Self-adaptive Software (SaS). In previous work, a Reference Architecture for SaS (RA4SaS), an automated process ...
A framework for evaluating quality-driven self-adaptive software systems
(ACM PressFacultad de IngenieríaIngeniería TelemáticaDepartamento Académico de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones (TICs)New York, 2011-05-23)
Over the past decade the dynamic capabilities of self-adaptive software-intensive systems have proliferated and improved significantly. To advance the field of self-adaptive and self-managing systems further and to leverage ...
Um framework baseado em modelos para desenvolvimento de sistemas multimídia distribuídos autoadaptativos
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sistemas e ComputaçãoCiência da Computação, 2011-01-19)
Distributed multimedia systems have highly variable characteristics, resulting in new requirements while new technologies become available or in the need for adequacy in accordance with the amount of available resources. ...
Systems, self-organisation and information: An interdisciplinary perspective
Complex system studies are a growing area of central importance to a wide range of disciplines, ranging from physics to politics and beyond. Adopting this interdisciplinary approach, Systems, Self-Organisation and Information ...