Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 227
Production of lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa) in granular rockwool and expanded perlite for use in hydroponics
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, 2009)
Production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seedlings in granulate rockwool and expanded perlite for use in hydroponics Producción de plantines de lechuga (Lactuca sativa) en lana de roca granulada y perlita expandida para uso en hidroponía
The quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seedlings is closely dependent on the substrate and the management practice during the transplant to the hydroponic system. This seed bed process may affect the normal development ...
Efeito de substrato na produção de mudas de aroeira-do-sertão (Myracroduon urundeuva Fr. All.)
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáDois VizinhosBrasilEngenharia FlorestalUTFPR, 2018-11-23)
Demand for substrate that aims to supply nutrients and provide adequate conditions for the growth and development of seedlings of forest species with good quality has been growing lately. Certain organic materials present ...
Cebolla. Sistema de almácigo-transplante
(EEA Valle Inferior, INTA, 2005-03-09)
Variability in seed germination and seedling growth at the intra- and interprovenance levels of Nothofagus glauca (Lophozonia glauca), an endemic species of Central Chile
(Springer, 2017-05-09)
Background: Patterns of seed germination and subsequent seedling growth of the endemic species Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser (Lophozonia glauca) (Hualo) were studied in two provenances from Mediterranean Central Chile ...
Sobrevivência em viveiro de mudas de espécies nativas retiradas da regeneração natural de remanescente florestalSurvival in nursery of native species saplings obtained from natural regeneration of forest fragments
(Embrapa Informação TecnológicaPesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2007)
Qualidade de muda e desenvolvimento final a campo de abobrinha e beterraba a partir de diferentes substratos e bandejas
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato BrancoPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2011)
The Southwest Parana region is characterized by presenting the significant participation of family farmers. In this context, horticulture has emerged as an important alternative source of income for these farmers, and thus ...
Seed-bank dynamics of the tropical weed Sida rhombifolia (Malvaceae): incidence of seedling emergence, predators and pathogens
(Cambridge Univ PressCambridgeInglaterra, 2009)