Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 53
Maternal light environment during seed development affects lettuce seed weight, germinability, and storability
Seed germinability and storability are important aspects of seed quality determined by the genotype and environment of seed development. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is produced commercially in most temperate and subtropical ...
Restricted water availability during lettuce seed production decreases seed yield per plant but increases seed size and water productivity
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an important vegetable crop worldwide, and its seed is commercially produced mainly under irrigation in and and semiarid regions. The objective of this study was to determine how water availability ...
Temperature during seed development affects weight, germinability and storability of lettuce seeds
Seed germinability and storability are important aspects of lettuce seed quality determined by the genotype and environment of seed development. The objective of this study was to determine how temperature of the mother ...
Physiological quality of dynamically cooled and stored soybean seeds
(Journal of Seed Science, 2019)
Sementes recalcitrantes: intolerantes a baixas temperaturas? Embriões recalcitrantes de Inga vera Willd. subsp. affinis (DC.) T. D. Penn. toleram temperatura sub-zero
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2008-06-01)
Sementes recalcitrantes são intolerantes à dessecação e a baixas temperaturas, que são as principais formas de conservação de sementes e, portanto, são de difícil armazenamento. Inga vera subsp. affinis produz sementes ...
Sementes recalcitrantes: intolerantes a baixas temperaturas? Embriões recalcitrantes de Inga vera Willd. subsp. affinis (DC.) T. D. Penn. toleram temperatura sub-zero
(Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo, 2008-06-01)
Sementes recalcitrantes são intolerantes à dessecação e a baixas temperaturas, que são as principais formas de conservação de sementes e, portanto, são de difícil armazenamento. Inga vera subsp. affinis produz sementes ...
Comparisons between two economically valuable forest species (Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus taeda) in relation to seed behaviour under controlled deteriorationComparações entre duas espécies florestais de valor econômico (Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus taeda) com relação ao comportamento das sementes sob deterioração controlada
(Sociedade de Investigações Florestais, 2011)