Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17637
Determination of the pedagogical conditions for forming the readiness of future primary school teachers
(Universidad del Zulia, 2018)
Effects on school enrollment and performance of a conditional transfers program in Mexico
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2004-01-29)
We study the effects of a conditional transfers program on school enrollment and performance in Mexico. We provide a theoretical framework for analyzing the dynamic educational decision and process inc1uding the endogeneity ...
Differences in clerkship development between public and private Brazilian medical schools: an overview
(Bmc, 2020-09-21)
Background Around the world, it is very expensive to become a physician. Although public medical schools are less expensive than private medical schools, tuition fees are charged at public medical schools in the majority ...
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2021-01-01)
External evaluations and their indicators have unilaterally made the school and its professionals responsible for the results achieved by students, disregarding the weight of objective conditions for the development of ...
Novice principals in Chile mobilizing change for the first time: challenges and opportunities associated with a school's readiness for change
(Sage Publications, 2018)
In a context characterised by triple sources of accountability demands, principals in Chile are required to mobilise change to raise performance indicators. School improvement is a complex endeavoura complexity that is ...
The Field Education: a study on the conditions of schools in Agrarian Reform settlements
(Univ Nove Julho, 2021-09-01)
Field Education arises in Brazil as a result of the struggle process of rural social movements, especially the Settled Rural Workers Movement (MST). Thus, this work aims to demonstrate that despite public policies for rural ...
Conditional cash transfers, schooling and child labor : micro-simulating bolsa escola
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2003-08-21)
Cash transfers targeted to poor people, but conditional on some behavior on their part, such as school attendance or regular visits to health care facilities, are being adopted in a growing number of developing countries. ...
School climate as a protective factor of school performance in unfavorable socioeconomic conditionsClima Escolar Como Factor Protector Del Rendimiento En Condiciones socioeconómicas DesfavorablesClimat scolaire comme facteur de protection de la performance dans des milieux socio-économiques défavorisésClima escolar como fator protetivo ao desempenho em condições socioeconômicas desfavoráveis
The purpose of this study is to verify the relationship between school climate and performance in public high schools representative of a Brazilian state, based on the perceptions of students, teachers and managers. The ...
An exploration of school improvement theory and practice in secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago
This paper explores school improvement (SI) in the secondary school sector in Trinidad and Tobago (TandT), and poses the following questions: 1) What SI initiatives have emerged in the secondary school sector in TandT? 2) ...