Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1207
Assessing the performance of novel molten salt mixtures on CSP applications
The use of molten salt mixtures as a storage medium in Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants has been shown to have a significant impact on increasing the reliability of CSP plants and reducing the levelized cost of energy. ...
Vesicles prepared with the complex salts dioctadecyldimethylammonium polyacrylates
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2012)
Sodium salts solubility in ternary glycerol+water+alcohol mixtures present in purification process of crude glycerol from the biodiesel industry
(Elsevier Science, 2019-10-01)
In this work sodium salts solubility data were obtained for relevant systems involved in crude glycerol purification processes. Several binary and ternary mixtures of glycerol + water and glycerol + water + alcohol were ...
Thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibrium for water plus poly(ethylene glycol) plus salt aqueous two-phase systems
(Brazilian Soc Chemical EngSao PauloBrasil, 2002)
Simulation of salt extractive distillation with spray dryer salt recovery for anhydrous ethanol production
(Soc Chemical Eng JapanBunkyo Ku TokyoJapão, 2002)
Monten salt oxidation as technique for decommissioning-selection of flow melting point salt mixtures
(Sao Paulo: ABEN, 2013, 2014)
Salt mixtures induce anatomical modifications in the halophyte Prosopis strombulifera (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae)
(Elsevier, 2015-11)
Plant morphology, anatomy, ultra-structure and metabolism are deeply affected by salt stress. Although salt mixtures occur naturally in soils there are few studies considering their effect in plant salt tolerance, particularly ...
Solvent and stabilizer free growth of Ag and Pd nanoparticles using metallic salts/cyclotriphosphazenes mixtures
Solvent and stabilizer free growth of Ag and Pd nanoparticles using metallic salts/cyclotriphosphazenes mixtures