Now showing items 1-10 of 25961
Run theorems for low returns and large banks
(Springer, 2014-10)
In this paper, we revisit the issue of bank fragility in the Diamond and Dybvig (J Polit Econ 91:401-419, 1983) model with sequential service and finite traders. We provide a precise condition under which banks are susceptible ...
A Bayesian Approach to Run-to-Run Optimization of Animal Cell Bioreactors Using Probabilistic Tendency Models
(American Chemical Society, 2014-08)
Increasing demand for recombinant proteins (including monoclonal antibodies) where time to market is critical could benefit from the use of model-based optimization of cell viability and productivity. Owing to the complexity ...
The Impact of ACTN3 Gene Polymorphisms on Susceptibility to Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage and Changes in Running Economy Following Downhill Running
This study aimed to investigate if ACTN3 gene polymorphism impacts the susceptibility to exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) and changes in running economy (RE) following downhill running. Thirty-five healthy men were ...
Exercise-induced muscle damage and running economy in humans
Running economy (RE), defined as the energy demand for a given velocity of submaximal running, has been identified as a critical factor of overall distance running performance. Plyometric and resistance trainings, performed ...
Exercise-induced muscle damage and running economy in humans
Running economy (RE), defined as the energy demand for a given velocity of submaximal running, has been identified as a critical factor of overall distance running performance. Plyometric and resistance trainings, performed ...
Can the running-based anaerobic sprint test be used to predict anaerobic capacity?
The purpose of this study was to determine if the use of the running-based anaerobic sprint test (RAST) could be used to predict anaerobic capacity in running athletes. Eleven male middle-distance runners (21 ± 1 yrs) ...
Isometric pre-conditioning blunts exercise-induced muscle damage but does not attenuate changes in running economy following downhill running
(Elsevier B.V., 2018-08-01)
Running economy (RE) is impaired following unaccustomed eccentric-biased exercises that induce muscle damage. It is also known that muscle damage is reduced when maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) are performed ...
Amateur runners’ commitment: an analysis of sociodemographic and sports habit profilesEl compromiso de los corredores aficionados: un análisis de los perfiles sociodemográficos y de hábitos deportivos
(International journal of environmental research and public health, 2020)
Amateur runners’ commitment: an analysis of sociodemographic and sports habit profilesEl compromiso de los corredores aficionados: un análisis de los perfiles sociodemográficos y de hábitos deportivos
(International journal of environmental research and public health, 2020)