Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 96
Cleaning capacity promoted by motor-driven or manual instrumentation using ProTaper Universal system: Histological analysis
The aim of this study was to assess the cleaning capacity of the Protaper system using motor-driven or manual instrumentation. Materials and Methods: Ten mandibular molars were randomly separated into 2 groups (n = 5) ...
Cleaning capacity promoted by motor-driven or manual instrumentation using ProTaper Universal system: Histological analysis
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the cleaning capacity of the Protaper system using motor-driven or manual instrumentation. Materials and Methods: Ten mandibular molars were randomly separated into 2 groups (n = ...
Cutting ability of the flexofile instrument in resin simulated canalsCapacidad de corte de la lima flexofile en canales simulados
The purpose of this investigation was to compare cutting ability of a Flexofile instruments in substrate phenolic resin simulated canals blocks before and after the root canal preparation using two techniques, one were a ...
Cutting Ability of Nickel-titanium rotary systems protaper, mtwo and k3
Nickel-titanium rotatory systems should remove dentin during the root canal preparation to promote the enlargement and tapered shape with continuously narrowing towards the apex. Objective: The aim of this study was to ...
Effectiveness Of Rotatory And Reciprocating Movements In Root Canal Filling Material Removal
Avaliação da estabilidade primária de implantes instalados em cavidades confeccionadas por meio do ultrassom cirúrgico e instrumentos rotatórios convencionais: Estudo in VitroAssessment of the primary stability of dental implants prepared cavities with piezosurgery and conventional rotatory instruments: In Vitro study
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)